Ms Sans Make Me A Sanstini (Non-Alc Vodka) 8/10

Ms Sans Make Me A Sanstini (Non-Alc Vodka) 8/10



I was never a big Vodka drinker, when I did it was the interests of being “health conscious” and in both instances where I gave it a real nudge I ended up spewing, once to the point where I burst a blood vessel in my eye.  Gross.

So a non-alc version I can certainly get behind but am not coming at it with the greatest Vodka knowledge. What I do remember is it tasted like booze. This release from Ms Sans is (to my knowledge) the first of it’s kind on the market, with other big producers staying clear of replicating Vodka, I think because it is a tricky proposition!

Today I have tried this as a simple Vodka and Soda to get the most impact flavour-wise. It smells like nothing at all poured neat.

And much like alcoholic vodka, it is hard to put a finger on the flavour to describe it! But it certainly nails it. That slight savoury edge with really good mouth feel. You certainly wouldn’t confuse this for a plain soda and lime. I think it could do with a little more kick, that faux heat that a lot of non-alc brands seem to be bringing in, but that would be my only correction.

If you were feeling fancy you could make a vodka Martini using Lyre’s Apertif Dry. I tried this and despite that tradmark Lyre’s taste, it was actually pretty good! If you have been missing Vodka in your life then this is definitely worth a go!

Rating: 8/10

Buy Again?: Yes

This review that links to an online retailer may pay me affiliate commissions. If you purchase I collect a small commission (at no cost to you!) and it really helps me offset some of the cost of running Dry but Wet.

Note: This product emulates alcohol and could be triggering so please be careful!

Cals per 100ml 14 cal
Carbs per 100ml 0 g
Sugar per 100ml 0 g
Country of Origin Australia
Price $34.95


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