Lock-down blues

I have a confession to make. I am no good at lock-downs. No matter how much practise we Victorians get, every time we go into lockdown, I am thrown into the depths of despair. I am unable to focus, get overwhelmed completely and just generally melt-down. There is no way I’m alone in this, and I know this is a totally expected reaction. But it never fails to hit me like the worst PMS imaginable!

Needless to say this week with no socialising and madly juggling work, side hustles, home schooling and my sanity, I haven’t really felt like hitting the wines or AF beers. They to me feel too celebratory for times like these. Instead I have been trying some delightful, hydrating sparkling drinks that don’t attempt to mimic alcohol but provide a great drinking experience (ie no boring soda water here)! They also all come with their own unique health benefits which id always a bonus!

Mojo Kombucha Soda

Mojo are already a well established brand in the commercial Kombucha space. Their standard range is my go-to of the supermarket brands. They don’t use stevia (which to me in kombucha is a cardinal sin), instead they use an organic sugar which is largely eaten up in the fermentation process. So their new range of Kombucha Soda with prebiotic fibre to support gut health certainly grabbed my attention. As someone who has an intensely sensitive gut I am always looking for new solutions and ways to support my gut health.

There are 3 flavours in the range; Berry Blitz, Cola Kiss and the winner for me Tropical Twirl. The Tropical Twirl has a fantastic tangy passionfruit punch that keeps it from being overly sweet. This could actually go nicely as a mixer for a Brunswick Aces Sapiir if you felt like fancying things up a little. This is a great mid-afternoon peppy pick-up and is certainly very refreshing. Mojo are stocked in independent grocers everywhere. These I found in our Port Fairy IGA.

Kréol Sparkling Antioxidant Infusion

These are a range of four unique and naturally flavoured sparkling waters that our IGA seem to have trouble keeping stock of. They are THAT good. There’s Ginger Lime, Tangerine, Blood Orange and my favourite Ruby Grapefruit. Kréol is infused with three types of organic plant-based antioxidants. These support immune health and wellbeing. A big tick for lock-down induced stress.

They are extremely low-cal and contain no sugar but are not wishing washy and lacking in the flavour department like some flavoured waters can be. The Ruby Grapefruit is zesty, refreshing and a perfect balance of sweet and sour. I love finding something that is so tasty that gives me added health bonuses (can someone brief Cadbury?). I have not been to the IGA in recently living memory and NOT grabbed one to enjoy on the way home. You can shop here or your local IGA.

Adapt Drinks Relax

Adapt Drinks’ Relax is a sparkling water with “adaptogens to help you adapt to life’s stressors”. What are adaptogenic herbs I hear you ask? They are herbs that increase the body’s ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning. During this stressful time I have been sculling these babies in the hope I can zen out a little and make it through the day without dissolving in a puddle of tears on the kitchen floor (only happened once I promise). I can’t 100% vouch for how much they’ve helped in that way, but I can say I have made it through the most brutal part of the lockdown unscathed. Adapt sure looks pretty (in pink), has a subtle Strawberry Gum flavour that even this acid tongue is enjoying. It’s not overpoweringly sweet and can always be jazzed up with a squeeze of lemon. Adapt has all natural flavourings and colouring and is extremely low in cals and sugars. Adapt is a female led company (love) based in Ballarat and you can buy direct here.

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